
Copyright, is the holy grail for artist, writers, photographers, painters, film producers, actors, and so many others who might desire to make a living through their personal creative talents. Without a properly defined copyright, creators could have their valued literary works stolen or claimed by others, thereby reducing any potential gain by the original creator. Throughout the world, convention states that the creator of any literary work must have some level of protection now and for many years into the future, after his or her death. This copyright protection period is applied differently by the many worldwide jurisdictions. For instance, in the United States, copyright is protected for 75 years after an original creator's death. But what happens beyond that protective period after death? Then comes PUBLIC DOMAIN. This legally accepted universal concept releases a literary work unto the world, so that the world might itself utilize the work(s) for other purposes, that were possibly not envisioned by the original creator. But, Public Domain does not eviscerate all recognition or control. The right of the creator still exists in the retention of the work's title and original creation, which simply means, no one else can replace the title or name of the original work's creator, with their own title or name. A work(s) content can be manipulated while still retaining the general essence of that work; such as for a translation and more. Public Domain allows the original literary work to live on in itself, but with maybe a more unique modern twist. Financial gain, and other benefits can be realized by those who add their twist, without requiring the prior creator's approval or royalty payment. Audio Book Depot, provides such a unique modern twist while still conforming to rights and claims inherent with Public Domain. We take an original literary work, create a viable script, apply creative elements such as: Artificial Intelligence (AI) voices, curated sound SFX, and music track(s), and then our creative process converts the written work, that might be centuries old, into a modern day theatrical listening experience; hence an audio book. At Audio Book Depot, we realize that we did not create the original literary content source, so we charge enough to recover our production, and marketing costs, and also provide enough extra income to continue our company's audio book library growth.