About AI

An ever-changing world
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) advances, new applications for this ever-changing technology will continue to influence our lives. Great strides have been made in how Artificial Intelligence (AI) Voices are created and utilized to publish dynamic audio books. Audio Book Depot embraces these strides so we can offer to you dramatic home-grown listening alternatives that might surprise even the most discerning ear.

The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A common journey into Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI), comes wrapped up in essentially four primary types, based on current industry classification models. The four AI types are: Reactive AI: This AI model, is the most basic of all currently evaluated AI models. Reactive AI, is programmed by the user to render a predictable result or outcome based on predictable inputs provided. Each time X is entered into the AI machine, Y will be the result. This AI model can not learn from its responses. It can not conceive what has been entered in the past, nor can it plan a response for the future. Limited Memory AI: This AI model, can learn from the past, and project a result for the future based on historical information (data), observational inputs plus the combination of pre-programmed information. This AI model can predict and perform more complex evaluations to arrive at a more correct outcome. This AI model comprises most of how society utilizes Artificial Intelligence, today. Theory of Mind AI: This AI model pushes us as a potential participant toward more human-like robots that will be emotionally responsive, cognitive of their surroundings, and remember every experience they might encounter then adjusting their responses just as we human beings might. Make no mistake, this model is on our horizon. Self-aware AI: This AI model, is the most advanced for any and all circumstances. With this model in mind, the machine is fully self-aware in every respect, and is also aware of others, whether they be machine or human. This AI model, will feel all emotions and respond equally based on its progressive learning abilities. It will be able to make inferences and conscious comparisons and decisions. So how far will AI extend itself into our lives and society in general is really unknown, and is fully dependent upon we humans, and our interactions with the technology. Will AI become a blessing, a hindrance, or worse yet, a denier of peace, safety, or common sense. No one can really be certain. Science and the technical world are eager to embrace the technology of the future, yet even in those ranks, a few calmer heads express caution. Some context was used from an article written by Bernard Barr, 2021. Understanding the 4 types of Artificial Intelligence.